Friday, February 6, 2009

Anoka-Ramsey College Community

Weaving through the halls of our ever-populating center for learning, which we like to call ARCC, I couldn't help but wonder about this community we are all apart of. How would I classify this community? It most surely cannot be done through physical description. There are many different people from all walks of life. Age seems to be irrelevant as well. "Students" would be the obvious label, however that is too simple. The community at AR is much greater than just the students. It wouldn't even exist without the professors, administrators, IT techs, custodians etc... They are all an important link in the chain that makes up the entire entity that is Anoka-Ramsey Community College.

With that all laid out, it brings me back to the classification of our community. Although everybody is here for their own personal agenda, we all share in the common goal of expanding our education, or helping make that goal possible for others. "Facilitators of Knowledge" stands out as a better label than "Students" since it includes everybody. So next time you are walking through Anoka Ramsey Community College take some time to think about what makes up the Anoka Ramsey College Community.


  1. I like your label, "Facilitators of Knowledge." It sounds much more fun to be a Facilitator of Knowledge than a student. And in many cases, such as this class, students really do help facilitate knowledge for other students.

  2. I liked the way you set up the scene in the beginning paragraph. It really painted a nice picture for the rest of the blog.

  3. "It wouldn't even exist without the professors, administrators, IT techs, custodians etc..."
    Sometimes it is easy to forget about all the people who really contribute their time.
    I enjoyed your post!

  4. You are very right. We are all at anoka ramsey for ourselves or possibly our family, but we are all there for the same reason which makes us connected in a way :) great post!

  5. A community is often not defined by physical boundaries, but by shared interests, goals and beliefs. Good post. Rich

  6. Nice one. I definitely agree about all of us being connected because of goals, like Jamie said.

  7. You did a really good job in the introduction.

  8. "Facilitator of Knowledge" Hmm.. I would never have come up with that term. Interesting though. I never really took time to think about the others that make our education possibly. They put in just as much work and effort as we do. We tend to take it for granted. Good job.

  9. Very interesting take on a college community. I really enjoyed the “link in a chain” analogy - We always overlook the many layers to college campuses that create a proper setting to help students learn.
